By now we all have heard of it. It’s impossible to live in the 21st-century without hearing all the talk and discussion around medical cannabis and its supposed benefits and drawbacks. While the discussion still continues some states like California have already legalized the use of cannabis for medical and even recreational purposes.
All in all, there is a logic to why so many states rally behind the use of cannabis in medical environments, but how does it truly work? Today we’ll take a look at how cannabis is used in the world of medicine and why it works,
Medical cannabis isn’t the same as smoking
When we think of regular cannabis users we most often think of smokers, as this is the main stereotype we’ve seen on TV. However, when it comes to medical cannabis is far more versatile than that. CBD or cannabidiol is an extract from cannabis that provides medical benefits without the associated “high” we identify in cannabis.
This extract can be used on its own or bonded with other products and chemicals and it makes the backbone of products in the medical cannabis range. In this form cannabis allows physicians to treat multiple conditions, many of which are chronic. By far the most common use of medical cannabis is in the form of pain killers. CBD can’t control severe pain on its own, but due to its low impact on the body, it’s ideal for chronic pain that has yet to be cured or controlled.
Cannabis can also be employed to deal with insomnia, anxiety, and even muscle contraction. As it counts with multiple relaxational properties. Perhaps most impressively cannabis can be very useful to deal with epilepsy and in the case of severe forms of it like Dravet Syndrome, it’s one of the premier choices to treat it.
Legal, but still regulated
Something important to note is that just because cannabis is now legal to sell it doesn’t mean anybody can sell it. Cannabis is regulated especially medical cannabis. What this means is that retailers that carry cannabis have not only passed all the accompanying state regulations but that their products have been tested profusely. As a result user of cannabis rely on these regulated dispensaries to get their prescriptions, one example of this is a dispensary in the Los Angeles area that counts with multiple physical stores across the area. These dispensaries provide a safe and trustworthy location to buy medical cannabis, whose efficiency can’t be denied at this point.